A Convergence of Innovation and Ambition

A Convergence of Innovation and Ambition

As the digital landscape evolves, staying at the forefront of marketing and printing innovation is not just an advantage, it’s a necessity. The PrintSmart Summit, scheduled for May 7, 2024, emerges as a beacon for professionals seeking to not only keep pace with this evolution but to lead it. This year, the summit promises an unparalleled lineup of speakers and sessions designed to illuminate the path forward for ambitious minds in the industry.

Harnessing AI in Print

PrintSmart logo on an AI background

Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a revolutionary force, shaping the future of how printers can operate, innovate, and interact with clients. The bottom line is that AI’s influence is not just imminent, it’s already here, impacting our lives and setting new standards for competition and efficiency. However, I think we have to keep our wits about us and remember that AI is not just some static new tool.

Muscle Up

Digital arm flexing

Starting a fitness program is no easy feat. It demands sacrifices, like giving up pizza, going for a run, and doing a couple of sit-ups, all of which require time and an iron will. Building muscle and achieving fitness isn’t just hard—it’s a significant challenge. But what drives us to leave the comfort of our couch? Often, it’s the sight of an expanding waistline or increasing blood pressure. Whatever the reason, the fear for our future typically gets us off our butts and motivates us to build some muscle.

A Journey Beyond Ourselves

In the early 1960s, Catherine Marshall, in her book “Beyond Ourselves,” captured a sentiment that still resonates today. We often find ourselves driven by unresolved problems or a nagging sense that life has more to offer, and in turn, we should contribute more to it. Over 60 years ago, Marshall observed that people were consumed by material pursuits, leading lives that seemed to end without deeper meaning.

Make Your Message Come Alive

Two hands touching in front of a colorful background

I was recently asked why I was so pro-print and what its role will be going forward. And as many of my friends will tell you, that was a door they probably regretted opening. I could speak for two days straight on why print is the cat’s meow. So, after a big inhale, I let loose and explained that the relevance of print in today’s marketing mix is actually pretty significant—even with the emergence of AI.

Breaking Eggs

Conduit, Inc. | Breaking Eggs

We all hit points when it seems like going on is next to impossible. When we’re already overwhelmed, it’s easy to talk ourselves into giving up, but giving up too soon could cause us to miss out on success. You never know how soon you might start seeing progress if you hang in there and give it a little bit more time. Too often, we jump into projects that we think are compelling and they seem to stimulate and us in the moment but something derails us.

The Twenty

Conduit, Inc. | The Twenty

The Pareto principle—or 80/20 rule—asserts that a small amount of input or effort leads to the majority of results. So, most companies understand that 80% of their profits or revenue are generated by 20% of their clients. It also holds that a smaller amount of employees carry the larger burden for progress. The moral to the story for any business, organization or team would be to nurture and mimic the few—The Twenty—that get it right and then try to share it with others and multiply the effect.

Ready to Fly

Conduit, Inc. | Ready to Fly

We are hearing a great deal about cancel culture these days. I hate that people are trying to cancel others. And while there may be some legitimate reasons in some cases, my hope is that kindness becomes the new order of the day. The world may have changed forever due to this pandemic and we really don’t have a clear picture of how things will look. We can, however, choose to see things in a more creative way.

The Best Year

Conduit, Inc. | The Best Year

I’m not interested in writing about what a tough year this has been. There is too much “I can’t wait until 2020 is over” going on these days. The bottom line is that the turn of the year will not magically wipe away the virus or the political angst that has weighed us all down. We cannot simply flip a switch to happiness and joy.

Out of the Bottle

Conduit, Inc. | Out of the Bottle

In one of my recent podcasts, I had the pleasure to talk with Michelle Seiler Tucker, author of “Exit Rich” and founder of Seiler Tucker Inc. We discussed the mindset required to build a business worth selling but it was a little expression she shared that impacted me the most. In an effort to explain the difference between working in the business versus working on the business, she said “it is hard to read the label from inside the bottle.”