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Play Like You are in Control

May 14, 2020

Play Like You are in Control

When things are going well, people often assume that they are in control. We think that business is rocking and that it must all be attributed to our individual efforts. We think that we have it all figured out and, in many instances, that confidence attracts more business. People love to connect with people who have their finger on the pulse and who seem to control circumstances.

When things turn bad, it’s understandable that we might wonder if we’ve lost our touch. We feel defeated and depressed and our confidence wanes. We ask ourselves what we did wrong or how we lost control. Even in a situation like the COVID-19 crisis, we beat ourselves up about what we could have done to better prepare.

The most consistently successful people know that they can’t control events. Instead, they continually work toward greater control of their responses to every event—good or bad. Whenever they feel fear or uncertainty, they see it as an excellent time to focus all of their attention and energy on making the most out of the circumstances. They accept that unpredictable events lie ahead, but they look for the opportunities.

If you can get your mindset right, you can begin to strategize wisely in troubling times. The reality is that a lot of what we became accustomed to will be gone forever. However, this crisis has offered us a chance to address some of the things that we just never seemed to get around to before. And some of the main narratives that I hear from our clients are their desire to expand their offerings, eliminate their bad customers and tap into new revenue models.

We all know that things will change due the pandemic, but one thing that will never go out of style is building trust and relationships. There may be less face-to-face interaction, yet that may be an opportunity. Clients will always need to connect sincerely and authentically. Taking the time to determine how to build those connections and trust in the new landscape should be at the top of your list right now.

Equity is measured in more than dollars. I remember telling my wife that when the recession hit in 2008. What I meant was that just because the dollars weren’t flowing at the moment, it didn’t mean that I wasn’t building up cachet with people. Good businesses know that investing is key in challenging times. Whether it is financial investment or sweat equity, the time to bet on yourself and your company is right now.

An old coach I knew said, “Play like you are in control and pray like He is in control.” So, be bold in the face of uncertainty and put the pedal down on the things you can control. You can build the kind of trust that will pay off in the long run. It only takes the right mindset.

Be well, be safe, and be the buffalo!

Picture of Mark Potter

Mark Potter

Founder / Consultant

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