Moving Goalposts

Conduit, Inc. | Moving Goalposts

Our goals are normally pretty straightforward. We aspire to go to a certain college or make a specific team. We want to make a pile of money or rise to a level within an organization. But what happens when the goalposts move? What if those objectives feel unattainable or lose their merit?

A Time to Dream

Conduit, Inc. | A Time to Dream

I once visited my brother in Florida and he showed me a row of mind-blowing oceanfront mansions. Appropriately named “The Miracle Mile,” these homes had guest homes that had guest homes. They had multi-million dollar boats, infinity pools and lavish landscapes. These were clearly the homes of the rich and famous.

Play Like You are in Control

Conduit, Inc | Play Like You Are In Control

When things are going well, people often assume that they are in control. We think that business is rocking and that it must all be attributed to our individual efforts. We think that we have it all figured out and, in many instances, that confidence attracts more business. People love to connect with people who […]

Hope & Fear – Survey Results Show Commonality

Conduit, Inc. | Hope & Fear

It is time. Time to pick ourselves up and take steps, however small, forward. We have absorbed the shock of the virus and probably have come to accept that some of what we knew is lost forever. However, life must go on and we may as well choose to push forward with hope and gratefulness […]

See The Light

Conduit, Inc. | See The Light

What an amazing time this has been. Without question, it is one of the most confusing, nerve-racking and frustrating times in modern history. As a result, there has been a never-ending deluge of content around short term tactics like crisis management and home office efficiency. And while it is critical to get things done in the moment, this time should also offer us a chance to reflect and determine what our strategy will be for the future.

Navigating the Storm

Conduit, Inc. Blog | Navigate The Storm

The coronavirus storm is wreaking havoc in our lives and confusion abounds. We are all dealing with waves of turmoil in both our businesses and homes as the world goes on lockdown. Social distancing is for our safety, but we cannot let it keep us disengaged. It is more critical than ever to connect with others, listen and gain a shared perspective. We sat down with 5 executives to get their thoughts on what strategic ideas have merit, how to engage with clients and what they miss the most. Our panel includes Ryan Nagdeman, Associate VP of Marketing, Rush University Medical Center; Terry Marks, President, Tmarks Design; Thayer Long, CEO, Association for PRINT Technologies; Justin Ahrens, CEO, Rule29; and Sandy Rabin, Senior Marketing Manager, American College of Surgeons.

Waning Muscles

Conduit, Inc. | Muslces Waning

Over the past month, there has been an endless deluge of blog posts, video messages and podcasts discussing crisis management due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And while I am just as nervous about this pandemic as most, I have been thinking that there’s a bigger epidemic at play. I wonder if maybe we’ve been off track for a good long while.

Thinking of you

Conduit, Inc. | Thinking of You

Here at Conduit Inc., we are thinking of you. The anxiety each of us feels now for both our physical and economic well-being is real. But we still believe this is a time to shine. Courage is not the absence of fear, but feeling the fear and moving forward anyway. This is the time to […]

Shoe on the other foot

Conduit, Inc. | Shoe On The Other Foot

My grandfather, a Methodist minister, was a remarkable man. The son of the revolution and missionary in the Philippines, he survived the Great Depression and raised one hell of a daughter—my mother. But those were not the things that defined him. It was his faith and commitment to others that made him great. My mother […]

Innovation is NOT enough

Conduit, Inc. | Innovation Is Not Enough

If companies embrace a resource-centric strategy, business will ultimately stall. You cannot reignite growth by innovating more around those same resources. Sure, it is easy to have your operations team perform exhaustive research around equipment and production. You can even get the executive team to create a brilliant new strategy for your offering. But those decisions alone will not enable you to compete against the disruptive entities that are eating away at just about every industry.